Setting Net Zero Goals for Ecolab

While I have worked with a handful of leading consultancies on a variety of projects, the Anthesis team has honestly provided the most value to me and our business. They provide an outstanding level of service that is focused around problem solving, collaboration and building capacity, something few other consultants truly can deliver upon.”

Emilio Tenuta – SVP for Corporate Sustainability, Ecolab


To enhance its leadership position amongst its peers and with its customers, Ecolab wanted to develop a suite of climate commitments that built upon its strong track record of achieving operational emissions reductions alongside its other environmental and customer facing sustainability goals.


Anthesis has supported Ecolab’s sustainability team for over a decade. For this project we evaluated the requirements for setting a science-based carbon target across Ecolab’s scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions that would align with the requirements of the UN Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign. Future business growth alongside existing and planned emissions reduction initiatives were modelled to evaluate the feasibility for Ecolab to achieve the goal and to understand any gaps in currently planned programs. Anthesis managed a cross-functional team consisting of fleet, facilities and manufacturing, procurement and supply chain resources through the goal evaluation, setting and feasibility testing process in the lead up to executive approval by Ecolab’s Chairman and CEO.


Ecolab announced a commitment to achieving net zero by 2050 and a 1.5°C SBT, along with supporting goals to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2030, to electrify its global vehicle fleet, and to engage suppliers representing 70% of Ecolab’s scope 3 emissions to set their own SBTs. Early progress was driven by a 100 MW vPPA project completed in 2020 that will cover 100% of Ecolab’s North American electricity consumption through 2030.