CDP Reporting

Supporting organisations to understand and disclose to CDP annually

Jon Taylor

Executive Director

North America

Hope Bristow

Principal Consultant

North America

CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, is a not-for-profit that helps organisations, such as investors, companies, cities, states, and regions, disclose their environmental impact. Organisations are requested by investors and/or customers to respond to questionnaires across three topics: Climate Change, Water Security, and Forests.

The questionnaires evaluate governance, strategies, targets & performance, risk & opportunity management, quantitative metrics, and supply chain engagement. CDP provides responders with a letter score from D to A for Climate Change, Water Security, and each commodity within Forests. Organisations who achieve an A are recognised on CDP’s A List for their high performance. All final scores are publicly available on CDP’s website.

The Value of Disclosing to CDP

  • Investors care about CDP: In 2023, 746 investor and large purchaser signatories, with over US$136 trillion in assets requested CDP information from 15,000+ companies worldwide.
  • CDP is a leading source of environmental information: CDP data is regularly used by financial institutions, including Bloomberg Terminal, STOXX, FTSE/Russell, MSCI ESG, ISS ESG, Google Finance, and Amundi.
  • Alignment with relevant and emerging ESG disclosure frameworks: CDP is aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (S&P CSA), RE100, and for financial services institutions the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative and CEO Water Mandate.
  • Provides insight to develop climate strategies: CDP provides a framework for identifying and closing gaps in corporate ESG performance – from climate governance to target setting.
  • Opportunity for public recognition: CDP’s annual scoring provides the opportunity to be recognised on their coveted A List, which recognises corporate leadership in sustainability.

Anthesis meets clients on their CDP journeys, bridging the gap between strategic and technical expertise so that we can work in partnership with our clients to drive ESG programs forward. We guide clients new to the reporting process, support existing reporters to maximise scores, and maximise CDP leaders’ efforts toward target setting, environmental stewardship, and innovation.

Our CDP services include:

  • Support on Investor & Supply Chain reporting across CDP Climate Change, Water Security, and Forests
  • Project management, including CDP response writing and data collection
  • Climate & water risk analysis
  • CDP gap analysis & mock scoring assessments – to predict CDP score results before submission, close any point gaps, and recommend actions for improvement
  • Peer benchmarking, stakeholder engagement, and supplier engagement support
  • GHG Scope 1, 2, and 3 inventories
  • Water accounting
  • Climate risk modeling
  • Water risk assessment
  • Target/goal setting
  • Emissions reduction strategy
  • Renewable energy procurement
  • Carbon offsetting strategy
  • Internal carbon pricing
  • Low-carbon product analysis