Why we’re proud to work for a B Corp

ndevr team

Today is International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.

This month also happens to be B Corp month, a time to recognise the B Corp community around the world and to share why it is important and what it means to be a Better Business.

Both of these milestones mean a lot to us.

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We are also very proud to be a certified B Corp since 2017.

At Anthesis our team is made up of almost 70% talented, creative, and highly experienced women. Every day we are inspired, motivated and driven by their passion to make the world a better place and their ability and skills to make that come true.

Ndevr Environmental has always prided itself on practicing what we preach and B Corp certification provided a way to have that globally recognised against the highest standards and to learn from the best on how to continually improve how we operate and the impact we can have.

So, to celebrate both these important milestones, we thought we’d get some of the incredible women in our team to share what it means to be a B Corp and why it is important. Happy International Women’s Day to our team and all the amazing women around the world! 

Stories from our team – proud to be a B Corp

Maureen Co-Founder and Financial Director

“When Maureen (Gunn) and I started Ndevr, it was with the belief that it was possible to have a business with a positive impact on employees, customers, suppliers and partners and that business should not exist just to serve shareholders. This then grew to the realisation that the environmental impact needed to be added, and Ndevr Environmental was born. It’s terrific to see how much it has grown since 2010 and I’m delighted to that we have such a high percentage of talented women working in our companies.  Being a certified B Corp and maintaining this certification is an important tool to help us in setting, maintaining and tracking our goals now and in the future.”

Hannah – Director

“Being part of a B Corp has provided additional job satisfaction that comes with being aligned to a global movement of using business as a force for good. I’m also inspired by other B’s on the positive impact that we can all have on the environment and it’s people, by making business more than just financial profits.”

Michaela – Senior Consultant

“As a mum of two young kids, and a recent immigrant to Australia, working for a B Corp makes a massive difference. B Corps recognise that being a force for good also means being a force for good to the team that makes up the organisation. At Ndevr I have found friendship, support and the flexibility that, (especially) mums need to be a productive member of the workforce, and still be able to parent small children. More than that, Ndevr is a community of like-minded people from all over the globe who believe in a common goal – to fight climate change and improve human lives.”

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Juliana – Consultant

“Not only am I proud to work for a B Corp certified organisation which provides great employment opportunities for women, but Ndevr Environmental also supports my professional development and career aspirations. I find the women I work with inspiring in their intelligence, problem-solving and project management skills and who are supportive of each other’s growth.”

Maya – Executive Assistant

“Being part of a B Corp organisation means to me that I am a part of a team that have very high standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability that may be difficult for some businesses to meet. I feel very valued as a team member, where my voice and ideas are encouraged by management and the wider team. Our company’s relationship with its workforce and overall work environment, including managerial relationships, job creation and flexibility, and health/well-being and safety, is of a very high standard and aligns with the company’s ethos. This is what I feel separates being a part of a certified B Corp company to everyone else.”

Roohi – Consultant

“Right from the very beginning of my time at Ndevr Environmental, I’ve felt that the culture here truly embodies the values that BCorp stands for. Having just started out in my career back then, entering a workplace with so many accomplished and incredible women, brilliant in their work, encouraging in their mentorship and warm in their friendship, was and is to this day inspiring. The inclusivity I’ve felt at Ndevr Environmental is testament to Matt (our CEO) and the team’s drive to use our work as a force for good, be it environmentally or socially.”

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Louise – Principal Consultant

“It has been great working for a company that has given me the opportunity to be in a leadership position both as a female and at a (relatively) young age, as well the support of  the other leaders, both male and female. Being a B Corp has helped us connect with and support other B Corps with their emissions reduction and carbon neutrality endeavours, which helps contribute both to our mission, and that of B Corp.”

Antonella – Consultant

“Being part of B Corp like Ndevr Environmental has made me feel proud for the high standards we reach at all levels, particularly in inclusiveness.  Women are a majority in the company, but the idea of having intelligent women as team leaders makes me full of pride. Also, I can see the teams’ inclusiveness every day, there are professionals from different countries, and everybody has equal opportunities. Ndevr Environmental is a company that celebrates and supports multiculturality and also appreciates international professional experience.”

Jacinta – Marketing Manager

“I’ve been lucky enough to recently join the Ndevr Environmental team.  I knew when I applied for the job that it would be a business where my values aligned with theirs. The more I learn about our work and of the value placed on being a part of organisation’s like B Corp, the more I understand the positive impact this has on the environment and the communities around us. It’s also great that we help other businesses on their journey to become a certified B Corp. It feels like the momentum to become more socially and environmentally responsible has shifted in the last 18 months, so I look forward to see many more businesses around the world make the commitment and work towards ‘Better Business’.” 

Thinking about becoming a B Corp?

We have certified B Corp consultants on our team who are here to help companies through the B Corp Certification process. Get in touch if you need some advice.