Dr. Marnie Telfer



marnie telfer director anthesis

Dr. Marnie Telfer has over 18 years’ experience in the carbon and climate change space and is an integral part of the Nature team. With a background in project management, method development and auditing, she brings experience across a range of nature-based solutions including land-based Emission Reduction Fund (ERF) projects and an in-depth understanding of policy, the nature-based carbon market and carbon credits.

Marnie provides consulting and advisory services for the ERF and she has supported the implementation, monitoring and offsets reporting for a number of ERF Methodologies, including: Environmental Plantings (EP), Savanna Fire Management (SFM), Human-induced Regeneration (HIR), Beef Cattle Herd Management (BCHM), and Soil Carbon Sequestration (Soil).

Part of several key industry method working groups, Marnie’s considerable experience also extends to International carbon project and method development under the Gold Standard’s Afforestation and Reforestation, as well as the Verified Carbon Standard’s Improved Forest Management and Sustainable Grasslands methods. She has also provided long-term advisory services for a Gold Standard community tree planting program in Timor Leste.

Working alongside Indigenous communities to build capacity for carbon project development is a key focus of her work, having previously worked with the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation. With insight, experience and passion for working with First Nations communities, identifying both the impacts on and benefits for Indigenous groups is a critical lens for Marnie’s work. This also extends to identifying other environmental and social co-benefits derived from the implementation of carbon projects.

In her current role, Marnie assists corporations to identify potential carbon abatement opportunities on their land holdings that will enable them to offset part of their emissions profile.

Academic Qualifications: PhD. Chemical Engineering; Bachelor Chemical Engineering (Honors).


  • Carbon credit project development, advisory and co-benefit analysis (GS, VCS, CDM, CCBA, PlanVivo)
  • ERF carbon project development and audit (EP, SFM, HIR, BCHM, Soil, AD/AC, Blue Carbon)
  • GIS: ArcGIS, QGIS, Field Maps
  • Carbon modelling (FullCAM, SavBAT, BlueCAM)
  • Carbon accounting, analysis, audit and assurance (former RGEA Category 1)
  • Reporting to the Taskforce on Nature-related Disclosures (TNFD) and natural capital advisory
  • Skill building in Indigenous communities