Hope Bristow

Associate Director

North America

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Hope Bristow is an Associate Director at Anthesis North America and leads our Forest Positive service. In this role, she supports our clients to develop ambitious strategies, solutions, and actionable roadmaps to create deforestation- and conversion-free commodity supply chains. She also leads our engagement with the Accountability Framework.

Hope is an expert in forest product supply chains and has a background in sustainable product certifications. She brings 10+ years of experience from the Rainforest Alliance and Preferred by Nature, where she worked across a number of supply chain roles in the forest and agriculture certification world. She worked as an accredited lead auditor for the FSC Chain of Custody standard, and served as the central resource for policies, systems, quality monitoring and training for supply chain certification services implemented globally.

Hope is based in Montpelier, Vermont and holds a B.S. in Environmental Conservation from the University of New Hampshire.