Supporting SSEN Distribution to Become the First UK Electricity DNO to Set 1.5°C Aligned Science-based Targets

Help SSEN Distribution set science-based targets (SBTs) in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, aiming for a 55% reduction in GHG emissions by 2033.

  • Calculated Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions
  • Modeled SBT carbon reduction pathway to 2050
  • Conducted scenario analysis and identified reduction measures
  • Hosted workshops and supported SBTi submission
  • Integrated SBTs into the business plan and Environmental Action Plan
  • SSEN Distribution became the first UK Electricity DNO with accredited SBTs
  • Targets include a 55% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2033
  • Commitment for 35% of suppliers to set SBTs by 2026
  • Embedding SBT ambition into regulated business plans for comprehensive implementation.

Anthesis were critical at helping us navigate the SBT process, we felt assured that we had experts in their field guiding us the whole way. Following the work Anthesis carried out, we were able to demonstrate how we could deliver against a 1.5 degree pathway and had our targets accredited in October 2021, making us the first UK DNO to set targets in line with a 1.5 degree trajectory.

Shirley Robertson, Head of Environment, Consenting and Sustainability Strategic Policy, SSEN

As a DNO we will play a critical role in the strategic delivery of Net Zero, our network needs to be ready to connect low carbon technologies like EVs and heat pumps to ensure the energy transition happens on time. With that in mind, we wanted to make sure we were taking responsibility, accountability for our own Business Carbon Footprint and we wanted to set targets that we knew were going to reach Net Zero.

Our Sustainability Strategy is embedded in global frameworks of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and now the SBTi. We needed to take a good look at our carbon inventory and art of the possible – could we meet the most ambitious target that was aligned with science? Anthesis were critical at helping us navigate the SBT process, we felt assured that we had experts in their field guiding us the whole way.

Following the work Anthesis carried out, we were able to demonstrate how we could deliver against a 1.5 degree pathway and had our targets accredited in October 2021, making us the first UK DNO to set targets in line with a 1.5 degree trajectory. It also which meant we headed into COP26 with accredited targets. Anthesis is now helping us to bake this ambition into regulated business plans to ensure we deliver on those targets.

Shirley Robertson, Head of Environment, Consenting and Sustainability Strategic Policy, SSEN